Overview - Repair Management

The Repair Management section of the repair facility profile allows you to set up marketing and workfile options.The Repair Management section does not appear in any other profiles.



See Also

Setting up Workflow Lock Period Restrictions

Setting Up a CSI Rules Template

Setting Up a Connection to a Car Rental Company

Setting Up Line Item Mapping Rules

Enabling Work Order Report Options

Setting Up Marketing Age Ranges

Adding Marketing Custom Field Entries

Adding Referral Sources

Selecting a Credit Memo Acknowledge Option

Adding a Purchase Order Footer

Adding or Editing Part Return Reasons

Adding Receipt Types

Adding an Adjustment Receipt Type

Adding Receipt Void Reasons

Setting Up Invoice Costing for Miscellaneous Accounts

Setting Up Repair Status and CSI Rules for CCC ONE Update Plus

Setting Up Timecard Overtime Rules

Editing Workfile Exceptions

Adding or Editing Workfile Cancel Reasons

Selecting Repair Order and Job Numbering Preference

Selecting Workfile Printing Settings

Enabling the Carwise Feature

Repair Plans and Repair Phases

Adding or Editing Workflow Automated Tasks

Adding or Editing Workflow Task Types

Setting Up Sales - Parts Accounts

Setting Up Sales - Miscellaneous Accounts

Setting Up Sales - Labor Accounts

Enabling Estimate Line Notes on Estimating Reports







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